JULY 13, 2024
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM


    7:00 - 8:00 AM

    8:30 - 9:30 AM

    10:00 - 11:00 AM

  • OPENING ACOUSTIC SET with gBrownSound

    7:00 - 8:00 AM


    7:30 - 7:45 AM

    ALCHEMIZE with Kate Leist

    8:00 - 9:30 AM

    A Transformational Embodiment Journey through Kundalini, Movement, Music & Breath

    The Oxford dictionary defines alchemize as : "to transform the nature or properties of (something) by a seemingly magical process". So, this is precisely what we will do.

    ALCHEMIZE is a 90-min transformational journey of turning our pain into power and our wounds into wisdom. We will rewrite our story so that we live from our personal power rather than from our victim self and unconscious habits. Expect breathwork, movement and Kundalini Kriya.

    RITUAL with Amber Campion & Josh Reed

    10:00 - 11:30 AM

    Strip away your armor and masks in this 90-minute one-of-a kind, exquisite experience. Join Amber Campion, a mindfulness-based yoga teacher and writer with over 20-years experience teaching all over the world from New York City to Nicaragua. Revel in the ritual of embodiment through a silky smooth, breath-focused flow, along with radiant self-myofascial release using tennis balls, all infused with soul-inspiring spoken word poetry from her recent book release, Tiny Rituals: 108 poems to remember ourselves as holy, whole, and wise. This experience will be accompanied by a live trumpet player. Note: tennis balls will be lent out for this event, but feel free to bring your own if you have one (or other therapy ball).

    REWILDING with Kellee Rich & Shikari

    12:00 - 1:30 PM

    Join us for a transformative yoga experience where you'll release past shadows and traumas to reconnect with your authentic self. Through yoga, meditation, and breathwork, discover a safe space to let go and heal. Embrace the freedom to shine brightly, unencumbered by the past, and step into the fullness of who you are meant to be. Join in this nurturing sanctuary to release, rewild, and embrace your journey of transformation.

    EARTH GYM with Rachel Flower, Jacquie Chandler, Pam Murphy

    2:00 - 3:30 PM

    The Earth is our natural gym and YOU have a free lifetime membership! It is amazing how much a stick will expand your stretch and a stone open your grip to greater levels of strength. Strength is the ability to grip and let go. What you build in your body, you build in your mind. With a little guidance to show a few moves and how to find a good training stick, the earth will take over and guide you to more and ways to play in nature. It's fun, easy and right outside... waiting for you. Stretch and tone with a stick and a stone and when you go outside, you will feel at home and never alone. This session will guide participants to simple movements with your feet touching the earth that increase your stretch using a stick and exploring your open grip using a stone. The result is waking up your earth sense of how much the earth is your home - rewilding your earth sense.

    FLASH MOB WORKSHOP with Meredith Calderas

    4:00 - 5:30 PM

    Let''s get wild and groove to the rhythm! In this flash mob dance workshop, we're going to ignite our inner spark and learn a funky choreographed dance to an MC Yogi song. Picture this: the sun is setting, the air is electric with anticipation, and we're about to light up the stage at Wild Lotus Yoga Festival with MC Yogi LIVE!

    As the big show begins, we'll gather at the designated spot, our hearts pounding with excitement. As MC Yogi takes the stage, we'll blend into the crowd, waiting for our cue to surprise everyone with our epic flash mob. The energy will be contagious as we light up the festival with our synchronized moves, leaving everyone in awe of our spontaneous dance party. So, are you ready to unleash your wild self and make memories that will last a lifetime? Let's dance!


    Live DJ Set
    5:30 - 7:30 PM

  • RADIANCE BREATHWORK with Kaila Leilani

    8:00 - 9:30 AM

    Radiance Breathwork is a powerful practice designed to illuminate your inner radiance and enhance your well-being. Through intentional breathing techniques, this transformative session invites you to tap into the profound healing potential of your breath. Guided by experienced facilitators, you will embark on a journey of deep relaxation, emotional release, and spiritual renewal.

    BREATH OF FIRE with Randy Gates

    10:00 - 11:30 AM

    Breath of Fire is not just another technique or protocol, it is an experience. Breath of Fire is Transformational Breathwork. This style of breathwork has the potential to offer deep healing, growth, creativity, connection, surrender, support, and love. In our body is where we often store unprocessed emotions, trauma, etc. This physical practice can acknowledge and even move, shift, or release that energy. Music and vibrational sound also have the ability to affect our consciousness. Stacking these together creates a very powerful experience. If this peaks your curiosity, come join us. Come experience transformational breathwork stacked with an electronic music vibrational journey.

    with. Cheryl Bowers of Bliss Bus Reno

    12:00 - 1:30 PM

    Experience the transformative power of "Sounds of the Wild Heart" – a unique sound immersion that combines various natural elements to unlock the primitive nature of your heart's calling for music. In this immersive experience, the wild heart's yearning for the healing vibrations of sound is honored and embraced. Allow yourself to be fully present as you are enveloped in a symphony of earthy tones, rhythmic beats, and primal sounds that awaken the deepest parts of your being. Let the music become your medicine as you surrender to the harmonious blend of the senses, bringing together a profound connection between your spirit and the untamed beauty of the wilderness. Explore the depths of your soul as you journey through this sonic landscape, allowing the primal rhythms to guide you towards a state of deep relaxation and rejuvenation. Join us for "Sounds of the Wild Heart" and let the wild within you find its voice through the transformative power of music.

    FREEDOM TO FLOW with Meghan Ruiz + Narniqua

    2:00 - 3:00 PM

    There’s a sweet spot in the yoga flow class where you can simply connect with your breathing and move your body. We’ll start this class by grounding into the body via the breath to calm the mind, layer our poses with clear cueing and alignment techniques and, finally, find that sweet flow state. You’ll leave this well-rounded class with your body feeling strengthened and stretched, and a calm mind.

    CEREMONIAL SOUND HEALING with Emily Weer & Troy Keeney

    3:30 - 4:30 PM

    This Sound Exoerience: Restful, Rejuvenating, Sacred, and Incredibly Beautiful. Troy and Emily invite you to take a pause during this full and amazing day to soak up these qualities. As the title says, We are taking you through a Ceremonial Sound Bath that is curated to invoke the essence of intention, Release, and overall clarity of deep connection to yourself. This ceremony starts with a Shamanic quality of honoring the directions and creating sacred spce while drum, and clay instruments support the clallin in. Then you land on the ground and fully receive Vibrational medicien, While resting your body, you mind has the opportunity to trail off in vibrations of Voice, Crystal Bowls, flutes, chimes, mystical drums, gongs, harmonium, and more. Please come exactly how you are and know that all are welcome! *For your comfort, please bring blankets, cushions, eye pillows if you have them so you are more comfotable laying down for an hour.

    WHEEL OF LIFE PRACTICE with Lynn Gardner

    5:00 - 6:30 PM

    Take a journey through the LIFEYOGA WHEEL OF LIFE and discover how soulful intention travels through the breath, subconscious nervous system, physical body, and perceptive sense to create an instantaneous reality of BEING. In this experiential lecture demonstration, students will gain a profound understanding of the pathways of quantum possibility, soulful intention, the breath, subconscious nervous system, physical body, perceptive sense, and the manifestation of desired reality. As participants travel through the realms of EXPANSION..INTENTION...MANIFESTATION...ENERGY...AND BEING, they will discover "HOW INSTANTANEOUS TRANSFORMATION WORKS", and gain tools to facilitate desired change...All while having fun. This work is the foundation of all LIFEYOGA, and is the basis of the book 'LIFEYOGA MANIFESTO".


    8:00 - 9:30 AM

    Workshop on the Daily Rituals of Ayurveda 90 mins, Meditation Pranayama, Surya Namaskar & Yoga Nidra practice.


    10:00 - 10:45 AM

    A presentation of human history, starting with ancient megalithic structures, obfuscated earth hominids, alternative timelines and sacred geometry, culminating with the activation meditation of the merkaba, the light body vessel.


    11:00 - 11:45 AM

    Untamed is a transformative journey to rediscover the wild woman archetypewithin you. This workshop invites you to reconnect with the untamed aspects of your being—the parts of yourself that are raw, authentic, and fiercely alive.

    We honor the wild woman archetype—a symbol of strength, resilience, and untamed femininity. Through storytelling, movement, and ritual, you'll explore how this archetype manifests in your life and reconnect with its power to inspire and empower.

    Discover how to rediscover the wild within you through practices that awaken your senses, deepen your connection to nature, and honor your authentic self-expression. This workshop offers a safe and supportive space to shed societal expectations, embrace vulnerability, and unleash your true essence. Embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and liberation as you reclaim the wild spirit that resides within.


    12:00 - 12:45 PM

    A discussion on vibrational frequency in the quantum field and its interaction in the body through structures like fascia.

    with Katie Johita

    1:00 - 1:45 PM

    The only thing limiting your business growth is YOU! Is it your scarcity consciousness, your worthiness issues or some other limiting belief holding you back? No more! Learn how to get out of your own way so your sales come with more grace and ease. It doesn't have to be hard and you don't have to do it like anyone else does it. It's YOUR business and it GETS to feel good to you. In this workshop you're going to identify exactly what's limiting sales in your business and come up with a Surrendered Sales Plan for removing these blocks so you can double your sales this year

    GODDESS STORYTELLING with Marti Nikko + 10000 Buddhas

    2:00 - 2:45 PM

    In the Hindu Pantheon there are a multitude of forms of the Divine Feminine from the peaceful and benevolent to wild and wrathful. We will use this time to share stories and contemplate the full spectrum of femininity and how we can to embody and accept more parts of ourselves.


    3:00 - 3:45 PM

    Everyone has a spiritual journey that they are one regardless of whether they are aware of this or not. This is Alluv's take on her journey and how she has lived it for the past decade. This offering is not only to give the participants an energetic blessing but to also explain a few facets of esoteric modalities to elevate one's perception on how to attune yourself to be a direct connect channel to the divine and to heal from within.


    4:00 - 4:45 PM

    Microdosing psilocybin is a powerful tool that can benefit us in a myriad of ways. While it may not be for everyone, it has been reported to support people with mental health, chronic pain, clarity + focus, creativity, transformation, spiritual connection, regular menstrual cycles, self-trust, neuroplasticity, and greater quality of life. In this 90 minute workshop, we will discuss what microdosding is, how to know if it is for you, and how it may benefit you. We will explore what an intentional microdosing practice looks like, how to create rituals and integration practices, how to set intentions, and how to honor the Indigenous ways that have allowed us to have access to this medicine today. Ann-Britt will also share the science of microdosing, what it has been proven to help with, and what is happening in your brain while you are microdosing. There will be time for a Q&A at the end, so come with questions!


    5:00 - 5:45 PM

    Join Julia Arndt, founder of the Peak Performance Method (PPM), for an empowering session titled "REGULATE," where you'll explore why regulating your nervous system and prioritizing yourself is the key to success in life. In this 50-minute talk, Julia will guide you on a journey to reconnect with your inner spirit, embrace your authenticity, and explore the untamed aspects of your being. Drawing on her extensive experience in mindfulness, productivity, and leadership, Julia will share practical techniques to help you manage stress, enhance focus, and boost your overall well-being. Discover how to harmonize your professional and personal life by regulating your nervous system, and learn why self-care is not just a luxury but a necessity for achieving true success. This session is a unique opportunity to reclaim your wild self and unleash your full potential.

    CACAO CEREMONY with Ann-Britt Hakansson

    6:00 - 6:45 PM

    Join Ann-Britt in the tea lounge for a heart-opening experience with Legacy Cacao. Enjoy this delicious cup of love, while tapping into your own heart, opening up into beautiful connection and conversation, and tuning into whatever magic and attunement the cacao has to offer you

  • WARM EMBRACE with DJ Drez, Marti Nikko

    8:00 - 9:30 AM

    Community is a source of deep joy. Let us gather together to cultivate more joy in our lives exploring our inner world through sacred movement, mantra and music. With these practices as a warm embrace we will travel across the ocean of existence with a new found awareness and perhaps a lighter step. This will include asana, mantra, conversation, and super dope music. See you there.

    with 10000 Buddhas (Amanda Giacomini)

    10:00 - 11:30 AM

    Draw strength and inspiration from the ancient story of the Goddess Durga, renowned for her beauty, power and ability to conquer the demon that no one else could. Learn her story, chant her mantra and embody her qualities through a strong yet graceful practice.

    MEET & GREET with MC Yogi, DJ Drez, 10000 Buddhas, Marti Nikko

    12:00 - 1 PM


    2:00 - 3:30 PM

    Get ready to move your body, raise your Spirits, and fuel up on cosmic energy when MC YOGI takes you on a journey of yoga and music.

    ONE LOVE with MC Yogi, DJ Drez, 10000 Buddhas, Marti Nikko

    4:00 - 5:30 PM

    Get ready to move your body, raise your Spirits, and fuel up on the good energy when MC YOGI takes you on a journey of yoga and music.

    with Moon Ayurveda

    6:00 - 7:30 PM

    Experience the profound practice of Ancient Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation technique originating from ancient yogic traditions. In this deeply restorative class, you will embark on a journey of relaxation and self-discovery, transcending the limits of ordinary consciousness.

    Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, involves lying down in a comfortable position while being gently guided through a systematic relaxation of body and mind. Through specific techniques, you will enter a state of deep relaxation that allows for profound healing and rejuvenation.

  • MC Yogi & DJ Drez
    7:30 - 9:00 PM 

    Flash Mob with Meredith Calderas
    8:00 PM

    Aerial Performance by Moonlight Movement
    8:30 PM 

    DJ Drez Solo Set
    9:00 - 9:30 PM